Healing Qigong with Chenoa

For the past 9 years, Chenoa has been studying at the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School. In that time she has certified in numerous forms under the guidance of Master Liu He and Dr. Liu Dong and completed certification as a Senior Level Instructor, and Master Qigong teacher of Jade Woman Qigong. She continues to deepen her own practice and studies, recognizing there is no limit to what we can learn, remember and understand. Chenoa has been teaching Qigong for the past 4 years online and at in-person retreats.

As a Coast Salish woman of the Lummi and S'Klallam Nations, Chenoa also shares important connections to her own ancestral wisdom and ways of knowing. She is dedicated to bringing healing to our Mother Earth and to people of all origins.

Chenoa’s presence and guidance brings us into deeper relationship with ourselves and with all living things. Her passion for beauty, liberation and healing is a gift she generously shares with the world.
— Veronica

What is Qigong?

Qigong is a holistic, ancient way of knowing - a way of life - that greatly benefits our state of health and wellbeing — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Originating in China 5,000+ years ago, Qigong can be partially translated as 'working with the life force energy.’ Through breath work, intention, graceful and purposeful movements, meditation, Taoist nutrition and lifestyle we acknowledge - and remember - our inseparable connection to, and interdependence upon, the natural world that gives us life in each and every moment.

Our internal world is a microcosm of our external world, or macrocosm. We are part of Nature in all its magnificence and brilliance. Qigong reminds us of our sacred origin. Through the practices, we have the potential to realign with Nature, and flow in harmony with the ever-changing cycles, seasons, right time and timing.

As the technological world continues to speed up many people are experiencing more stress, anxiety, heart disease, depression, and other ailments in an effort to ‘keep up.’ Qigong invites us to slow down, return to our breath, and come back into our bodies. Qigong reminds us that we carry within - as part of Nature - the source of healing for ourselves, others and our beautiful Mother Earth.

What you will experience in Chenoa's classes,
retreats, and healing sessions.

and Practicing Seasonal Qigong forms

Centering and Calming Breath work and meditations

Opening circulation to bring greater vitality

Supporting practices for self-empowerment and improved health

Connecting to Nature

Clearing negative emotions

Fostering positivity, happiness, longevity, and rejuvenation

Nurturing kindness and self-acceptance

Developing self-care practices for healing and purification

Improving quality of life

Empowering heart, mind, body and spirit

Harmonizing diet and lifestyle with the seasons (Taoist nutrition)

Introducing basic Chinese Medicine philosophies and guiding principles for a stable foundation, i.e., 5 Elements, Yin and Yang, I Ching, and more

Chenoa’s passion and respect for the lineage makes for a very clear channel, which allows room for the student to receive the movements in a graceful and immediate way. I’m marveling at how gentle the form is, yet my heart rate gets going so effortlessly. This is such a beautiful practice in building vital energy flow!
— Raven


Online Qigong Classes

10 classes per series - $200
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00am - 9:15am
via Zoom Pacific Standard Time

• Private Qigong Classes 60 minutes $105
• Qigong Review Sessions 50 minutes $90

Seasonal One-day Qigong Retreats - Langley, Whidbey Island, WA offered quarterly
Upcoming! 3 day Qigong Retreats - locations to be announced


Qigong Healing Sessions - Online and In-Person
Introductory Session includes overall health assessment (75 minutes)
• Recommended personalized Qigong practices to address health concerns
• Dietary Recommendations
Food as Medicine
Water as Medicine
Lifestyle Practices as Medicine
• Follow-up Sessions (50 minutes)

• 75 minutes Session $160
• 50 minute Session $110

• 75 minutes Session $185
• 50 minute Session $130

Contact us to schedule a healing session.


Follow us on social media for updates and special offers:

We look forward to welcoming you to our Qigong community!
— Chenoa

I respect and trust Chenoa as a teacher, because she masters a form before teaching it, respects the lineage and sources of the teachings, and is always consummately prepared. I value her teaching because her words are clear, her movements, elegant, decisive, and beautiful to follow, and her presence full of laughter and joy. Her teaching is like fresh, flowing water.
— Benjamin